Schedule of Events
Reconition &Tributes
Member Creations
Links of Interest

                                                  2025 Future Meetings & Events                                                                                           
Monday February 10           6:00 Monthly Club Meeting at the Winston Salem Klingspor Store                                                                                               

Monday March 10                6:00 Monthly Club Meeting at the Winston Salem Klingspor Store

Monday April 14                  6:00 Monthly Club Meeting at the Winston Salem Klingspor Store

Monday May 12                   6:00 Monthly Club Meeting at the Winston Salem Klingspor Store

Weekly Scrolling Demonstrations at the Winston Salem Klingspor Store are each Wednesday from 10:00 to 12:00. All members and visitors are invited to attend and participate.
Visitors Are Always Welcome
The meeting format is an open discussion by all members. The experience, interests and areas of expertise of each member vary from novice or beginner to very experienced. As such, the exchange of experience is invaluable to all. 
Each month members will bring to the meeting their in-process or completed work better known as "show and tell". Members will explain their techniques, difficulties, successes and recommendations. Many demonstrations and disussions include:
-- Saw blade selection, sources, prices and experience tips
-- Wood choices; thicknesses, scrolling characteristics relative to blade selection, saw speeds, wood grain or hardness
-- Wood sources and pricing
-- Wood finishing products and techniques
-- Scrolling Saw use, maintenance, safety and experience 
-- Scrolling techniques and tips
-- Fretwork and Intarsia plans are discussed and many times members will bring copies of plans to discuss future projects. 
Note: the Scroller's club maintains an extensive file of  plans and books available for members use.

                                             The club meets each second Monday of the month at the                                         Klingspor Woodworking Shop in Winston Salem starting at 6:00
3rd Annual Club Picnic - June 10, 2018
9th Annual Christmas Dinner - 2017
Annual Christmas Dinner 2019
Annual Christmas Dinner 2023
Klingspor Show - Hickory NC - October 26 & 27, 2018
Annual Picnic 2023